How Can We Meet Your Needs?
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Expand Location
Find a New Location
Upskill Existing Employees
Find New Talent

We can analyze demographic, economic, labor market, commercial real estate, and other market data from a variety of public and proprietary sources to help you evaluate expansion opportunities.

Our close working relationships with municipal leaders will ensure you work through zoning, licensing and financial issues expeditiously.

We can help your company understand local, state and federal financing, and any grants and/or incentives that may help catalyze your project, upskill your existing staff or fill new positions.

We drive results. In recent years, our work has landed projects that have created more than new 2,500 jobs and retained more than 1,500 jobs, resulting in a total investment of $260 million and an annual impact of $550 million.

We facilitate comprehensive connections between your business and local and state organizations including Lake County Workforce Development, the College of Lake County, Lake County Tech Campus, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Intersect Illinois.

We bring utility partners to the table to ensure that your site is ready for your upgrade and nothing holds your project back.

We can analyze demographic, economic, labor market, commercial real estate, and other market data from a variety of public and proprietary sources to help you evaluate expansion opportunities.

With new locations, come new needs. We can provide site-specific workforce and wage data that can help you make crucial location decisions.

Lake County’s geographic diversity can work in your favor, and we can make sure that your new location will complement your existing location(s) or serve you better than your current spot.

Our close working relationships with municipal leaders will ensure you work through zoning, licensing and financial issues expeditiously.

We facilitate comprehensive connections between your business and local and state organizations including Lake County Workforce Development, the College of Lake County, Lake County Tech Campus, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Intersect Illinois.

We bring utility partners to the table to ensure that your site is ready for your upgrade and nothing holds your project back.

Professional Development
Employees benefit from countless development programs offered locally through the College of Lake County, Loyola University, Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, Lake Forest College, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, and Trinity International University.

Each year, thousands of students complete award-winning career programs, graduating with in-demand skills and certificates in fields like robotics and automation, network administration and medical assisting.

You may be able to leverage available funds to recruit, train or develop curriculum to take your existing workforce to the next level.

We facilitate comprehensive connections between your business and local and state organizations including Lake County Workforce Development, the College of Lake County, Lake County Tech Campus, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Intersect Illinois.

More than 40% of the majors offered through the College of Lake County directly correlate with the most in-demand jobs.

The Lake County Workforce Ecosystem partnership has resulted in the upskilling of nearly 4,500 existing employees, and hundreds of career exploration events and internships mean that high school students are better prepared to enter the workforce.

Nearly 46% of residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher, which is 13% more than the national average. For those not in the college track, there are countless award-winning career programs arming new graduates with in-demand skills and certificates.

Nearly 60% of local high school students attend a nationally- recognized school. They consistently rank high in mathematics and reading, have low student-to-teacher ratios and award-winning instructors.

With a population of nearly 700,000, and access to Chicagoland’s 9.4 million, Lake County’s talent pool is among the deepest in the country.

Workforce Data
Our access to current, reliable information through a variety of databases can provide site-specific workforce and wage data can help you make the most of Lake County’s strong concentration of employees.

Continued investment in infrastructure coupled with a wide variety of convenient commuter options means that businesses can attract employees from across the region.

Next Generation
The largest share of Lake County residents by decade of age is 10 to 19 years old.
Let’s Chat About Your Needs.
We are skilled at quickly assessing your business needs and making sure that you have what you need to succeed. Connect with us, and we’ll be happy to get to work with you.
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Business Relocation
Business Expansion
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